Programme R171 - Diploma in Nursing

Year 1

AAP100D - Applied anatomy and physiology

Course Summary

This subject introduces students to human anatomy and physiology. It focuses on orientation to the human body, anatomical directional terminology, the internal environment and external appearance of the body, the organization of the body including the human cell, organelles, tissues and body cavities and systems. This subject includes knowledge of human physiology and the functioning of cells and organs in the body. Processes regulating the internal environment of the body, including functions of the human cell, organelles, tissues and body cavities are included. Variations based on age and conditions such as pregnancy will be covered.

Course Modules

Unit 1: Homeostatis - Describe homeostasis and homeostatic imbalance.

Unit 2: Organisation of the human body - Apply knowledge of anatomy in the organization of the human body.

Unit 3: Anatomy: Human body systems - Describe human anatomy as applied to the systems approach of organization in the human body.

Unit 4: Physiology: Human body systems. - Apply scientific terminology and concepts to the physiological orientation of the human body.

APM100D - Applied physics, microbiology and chemistry

Course Summary

This is an introductory level subject that forms a core body of knowledge which is needed to understand the science of Nursing and Pharmacology. Basic concepts of Chemistry and Biophysics are included in the form of the acid-base balance in the body, temperature regulation, the potassium–chloride pump, and consequences of homeostatic imbalance, why homeostatic control of body fluids is vital to the body’s function and active and passive transport of substances over cell membranes. Students are introduced to microbiology and the importance of infection prevention and control. Application of theoretical knowledge will take place in a laboratory. It will be applied to provide safe and professional clinical nursing care to clients through their life span and will form part of skills which the student will be assessed on e.g. vital signs monitoring, urine analysis, blood pressure monitoring, hemoglobin and blood glucose monitoring.

Course Modules

Unit 1: Biophysics - Describe concepts of biophysics as applied to physiology in the different systems of the human body.

Unit 2: Medical microbiology - Apply medical microbiology and the microorganisms of medical importance.

Unit 3: Infection control - Summarise the infective process and prevention practices in rendering safe patient care.

Unit 4: Laboratory test, procedures and results - Explain laboratory tests, procedures and results applied to microbiology.

APS100D - Applied psycho social science

Course Summary

The content includes psychological concepts, theories and approaches relevant to the understanding of various aspects of cognitive functioning and human behavior throughout the lifespan. The subject includes social psychology and the principles and issues relating to social interaction. The relevance of psychology to nursing and the relationship between psychology and health is covered in this subject too.

Course Modules

Unit 1: Introduction to concepts used in applied Social Science - Use the concepts and related terminology correctly in written and verbal communication.

Unit 2: Psychology as a science - Summarise the development of psychology as a science.

Unit 3: Psycho-social development - Apply the psycho-social development of man throughout the lifespan in nursing practice.

Unit 4: Human behavior - Explain the biological basis of human behavior.

Unit 5: Cognitive process - Explain the cognitive processes of human functioning.

Unit 6: Psychological theories - Explain psychological theories in relation to nursing care activities for the patient/client.

NUR100D - Nursing science 1

Course Summary

The subject Nursing Science one will apply a needs-based approach to manage and provide care to infants/ children, adolescents, adults and the elderly using a scientific approach. The focus of care will be preventative, promotive, curative and rehabilitative levels and students will be exposed to work integrated learning which will take place in a variety of healthcare settings. The student will integrate cognitive, psycho-motor and affective skills to provide safe, culture-congruent care within an ethical-legal framework. This subject will be integrated with other first year subjects.

Course Modules

Unit 1: Concepts of Health - Define concepts such as Health, Illness, Illness-health continuum, patient/healthcare user, family, community.

Unit 2: Scientific method of nursing - Describe the scientific method of nursing / nursing process.

Unit 3: Manage the nursing care of the infant/child - Apply a needs-based approach to identify and manage the basic needs of the infant/child.

Unit 4: Manage the nursing care of the adolescent/young adult - Apply a needs-based approach to identify and manage the basic needs of the adolescent/young adult.

Unit 5: Assess and manage the adult patient - Apply a needs-based approach to identify and manage the basic needs of the adult patient.

Unit 6: Assess and manage the elderly patient - Apply a needs-based approach to identify and manage the basic needs of the elderly.

EPP100D - Ethos and Professional Practice 1

Course Summary

Nursing in the Community one introduces the student to health development and Primary Health Care, the role and functions of members of the multidisciplinary team in the primary healthcare services, factors impacting on the health of families and communities, healthcare needs of a community, environmental health services and occupational health and safety services. The student will be exposed to various primary health care settings as part of clinical learning.

Course Modules

Unit 1: Health Development and Primary Health Care (PHC)

Unit 2: Role and functions of the multidisciplinary team - Explain the role and functions of the members of the multidisciplinary team within the community healthcare setting.

Unit 3: Factors influencing family health - Discuss the factors that may impact on the health of a family.

Unit 4: Community health assessment - Assess the healthcare needs in a community.

Unit 5: Environmental Health - Describe the environmental health services in South Africa.

Unit 6: Occupational Health - Describe Occupational health and safety services in South Africa.

EPP100D - Ethos and Professional Practice 1

Course Summary

This subject includes the origin and development of nursing, professional practice concepts and criteria. The subject will also cover professional organisations and the ethical framework which underpins nursing within the health care system.

Course Modules

Unit 1: History of nursing in South Africa - Define concepts such as Health, Illness, Illness-health continuum, patient/healthcare user, family, community.

Unit 2: Ethos of nursing - Describe the professional role of the nurse within the ethical and legal framework of nursing in South Africa.

Unit 3: Professional behaviour - Apply effective and appropriate communication with all the relevant stakeholders.

Unit 4: Health care system in South Africa - Apply knowledge to identify the components of the health care system, and South African policies.